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Found In Aerial Dance

8 Tips To Keep Motivation High During Quarantine

Motivation can be an elusive thing for many of us, in relation to our aerial training or simply life in general. Our motivation levels are threatened more today than ever before.  We are disconnected from people, experiences, and everything that makes us feel whole. Many aerial studios...
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Is is Safe to Return to the Studio?

Many aerial studios across the country and the world have begun to reopen.   You may have already attended a class or two. As studio owners ourselves we have been busy creating new safety guidelines and protocols in preparation for a phased reopening of our Los...
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Shoulder Stability: Six Essential Exercises For Aerialists

It is imperative that you take care of your shoulders as an aerialist in order to avoid injury and to prolong your enjoyment of this beautiful art form. Adding just a few minutes of shoulder conditioning to your aerial warm up can help you strengthen...
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Sweaty Silks: 3 Surprising Benefits Of Training In The Heat

Summer is upon us (two weeks but who’s counting?) and the weather here in LA is getting warmer and warmer! Thank goodness for air conditioning, are we right?  Despite this, it can still be difficult to cool a large space (like most aerial studios!) and it’s...
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