As you know Aerial Arts can be dangerous. We are sure you have seen the stories about aerial rigging failures, human error and fatalities blasted across your news feed… You also know that there are risks associated with taking aerial classes as well as...
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Overcoming Self-Doubt as an Aerialist
Does fear of failure and criticism constantly stop you from achieving your aerial goals? Have you avoided going to that advanced-level Silks class or signing up for that student showcase because you think you might not be able to do all of the tricks,...
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How to Find Your Aerial Soul Mate
Do you dream of dancing through the air with an amazing aerial partner? Performing high level switches, catches, poses and choreography to rapturous applause? Trouble is… Every time you think you have found the Torvill to your Dean (or vice versa); she moves across...
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- Aerial Art
- Aerial Business
- Aerial Dance
- Aerial Partner
- Aerial Performance
- Aerial remedies
- Aerial Retreat
- aerial rigging
- Aerial Silks
- aerial silks technique
- aerial silks theory
- Aerial Tips
- Aerial Training
- Aerialists
- Covid-19
- Cross-Back
- Dance Therapy
- fear
- Flexibility
- healthy fear
- Hip Key
- Inverting
- Movement Therapy
- Pointed toes
- Purchasing Aerial Silks
- Quarantine Motivation
- rigging
- Safety in aerial arts
- silks
- Splits
- Straddle
- Training Motivation
- Uncategorized
- Wheeldown
- Womack and Bowman