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How to Overcome Your Fear of Heights

“I started aerial as a way to change my mind about heights. I am still really afraid, but I have learned a few things that make me less afraid.” –Annie H (Aerial student) Acrophobia, or extreme fear of heights, is among the most common phobias...
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5 Crucial Tips to Avoid Injury on the Aerial Silks

Injuries are no fun. In fact they can be downright depressing. Whether mild and ‘bearable’ or severe and debilitating, injuries can make us feel disempowered and question our passion for aerial arts. Here at Womack and Bowman we believe that prevention is better then...
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Fire and Fury (And Fabric)

A couple weekends back, we were in Oakland, California performing at The Crucible for the venues annual ‘Fire and Light’ Soiree. This performance was different then most as we literally performed our duo silks act surrounded by a ring of fire! Seriously! The Crucible...
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Safety In Aerial Arts

Knowledge is power

As aerialists and aerial students it is hugely important to have a solid understanding of safety in Aerial Arts. Even if you only train at one reputable aerial studio that has excellent safety practices and are an experienced and confident aerialist, the time may...
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