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How to become an Aerial Instructor 

Becoming an aerial instructor is an exciting and rewarding goal, one that many dedicated aerial students dream of. Getting paid to teach this beautiful art form, workshopping new combinations and tricks to teach a class of starry eyed students, watching said students progress, gaining...
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Aerial Teaching Vs Training: How to Find Balance and Save Your Sanity

As aerial studios and training spaces reopen and race to make up for lost time and income and eager students return to class (masked up and vaxed up we hope!), you may find yourself teaching aerial more then ever before! In fact, you might be starting to...
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Flexibility Vs Strength Do You Bend Or Break?

Researching for this newsletter we were surprised to find that many health experts, like this sports injury Doctor, believe that certain types of strength training (e.g. aerial) can actually increase flexibility: “I can recommend with some conviction that resistance exercises (Pull-Up’s, Climbs etc.) and dynamic movements involving body...
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Aerial Teaching vs Training

How To Find Balance and Save Your Sanity Now we know that you may not be an aerial instructor (yet!) but we do get asked this question A LOT. “I’m teaching so many aerial classes that I don’t feel like I have the time...
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