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How to become an Aerial Instructor 

Becoming an aerial instructor is an exciting and rewarding goal, one that many dedicated aerial students dream of. Getting paid to teach this beautiful art form, workshopping new combinations and tricks to teach a class of starry eyed students, watching said students progress, gaining...
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Scorpion Pose – FREE Video Tutorial

The Can Can Climb is an elegant and potentially challenging climb to perform on the Aerial Silks. When done correctly, this climb is efficient in gaining height as well as being visually interesting in it’s use of the free leg to ‘kick’ towards the sky. Today...
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Unwrapping The Belay Knot

Arguably one of the most fascinating knots on the Aerial Silks is the Belay Knot.  This versatile knot earned its name from the world of rock climbing and seems to ‘magically’ appear via dozens and dozens of interesting wraps and entries. One moment an aerialist...
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Learn an Aerial Silks Act: FREE Challenge

Here at Womack and Bowman we are kind of obsessed with making aerial acts. Solo and duo acts on the Silks, Lyra, Hammock or Rope to perform ourselves, group acts for our students at Womack and Bowman – The Loft (in a pre pandemic world)...
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Shoulder Stability: Six Essential Exercises For Aerialists

It is imperative that you take care of your shoulders as an aerialist in order to avoid injury and to prolong your enjoyment of this beautiful art form. Adding just a few minutes of shoulder conditioning to your aerial warm up can help you strengthen...
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