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Finding Your Style

A Guide For Aerialists

WHAT IS YOUR AERIAL STYLE? Style is learned, adopted, manipulated, and developed over time. Sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose, and often times both. Your style as an aerialist is a combination of the quality of your movement, technique, music choices, subject matter, trick combinations and transitions. Your style is what...
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Conquering the Micro-Bend

5 Tips to Beautiful Legs in the Air

Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself inverting on the silks in the studio mirror or reviewed a training video and thought “Aaargh!, why are my knees not straight? They totally felt like they were straight!” If so, you may have been experiencing the dreaded and oh-so-common...
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Fire and Fury (And Fabric)

A couple weekends back, we were in Oakland, California performing at The Crucible for the venues annual ‘Fire and Light’ Soiree. This performance was different then most as we literally performed our duo silks act surrounded by a ring of fire! Seriously! The Crucible...
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